The current target by the government is for one million new homes to be built by 2020. The pledge was made in 2015, meaning that 200,000 new homes would have to be built each year to meet the target.

It has been widely reported that such a figure will be missed, nevertheless much has been said about the shortage of housing and the importance of building new homes is included in each party’s manifestos for the snap general election.

New data shows that councils and house builders alike are beginning to make progress in increasing the amount of new housing being built.

Housebuilding high

According to the Markit/CIPS Purchasing Managers’ Indices, Britain’s construction industry output jumped to a 17-month high in May. The rise in output has been attributed to the UK’s housing shortage with house builders stepping up their building capacity.

It is expanding at such pace that it has exceeded any month since December 2015, all following a seven-month low in March. In figures, the index rating building activity rose to 56.0 in May from 53.1 in April. A reading above 50 indicates growth, with under 50 meaning activity has fallen back.

The number of new housebuilding projects also rose for the second month in a row, making the number of projects currently taking place the highest since January 2016.

But what’s happening in Harborough?

What new houses are planned for the Harborough district?

Within Harborough itself, the district is looking for ways to build 3,500 new homes by 2031.

Of the four suitable areas disclosed by the council (east Lutterworth, north and east Kibworth, Scraptoft/Thurnby and Market Harborough), council executives have said that the two preferred major development zones to meet the district’s goal should be east of Lutterworth and north of Scraptoft.

These are the two main proposed areas to be assigned for substantial growth. As well as this, pockets and areas of other villages will continue to see new development too.

If you are looking for a new house in the Harborough district, or want more information about any developments in the area, contact Naylors Estate Agents, the knowledgeable Harborough estate agents, today on 01858 450 020.